⏱️ The Best Minute Newsletter
Build better habits, become more productive, and maximize your life. All in 60 seconds per week.
2 thoughts from me 💡
2 helpful quotes 💭
1 brief book review 📖
What others are saying
Being self-employed means I need all the productivity tips I can get. That's one reason why I love my weekly emails from Dylan Dodson!
Melinda J.
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“I have told you this before, but it's worth saying again... your newsletter is my favorite! Over the years I have subscribed to several that turned out to be a disappointment in my expectations. Your format fits my pattern of thought and continues to challenge me in my spiritual and personal growth as a leader.
Bruce T.
There is always some brain food and practical tips in your emails. I look forward to them every week.
Tisha S.
The goal of The Best Minute is to send you wisdom and insights to help you have your best minute on the internet each week. You can see past editions of The Best Minute in the archive below.