⏱️ You don’t want to be better


I. “I don’t want to be better” is something we never admit, even if it is true. We never say:

  • I don't want to read more books, even though they will give me ideas that change my life

  • I don't want to improve my writing, even though it will make me more persuasive

  • I don’t want to have hard conversations, even though they will strengthen my relationships

  • I don’t want to put my phone down, even though it would help me be more present with my family

Yet all of these things are learnable, but we struggle to do it because:

  • Improving takes work

  • It’s easier right now to do nothing

  • Trying something new feels uncomfortable

  • It’s easy to play the victim and assume improving is outside of our control

There are many things I would like to learn, but I must be honest and say I don’t care enough to learn them. It’s not that I can’t learn them.

Choosing what to spend time and effort learning, and then following through with it, is the difference between winning and losing in life.


II. In learning: If you don’t expose your mind to new ideas and experiences, your knowledge will remain stagnant. If you try to learn too much at once, you’ll burn out and retain little.

In cooking: If you don’t try new recipes and techniques, your cooking will never improve. If you try to cook a complicated meal without understanding the basics, it will end in disaster.

Life is the same.

If something is too hard you can’t do it. But you can’t grow if it’s too easy.


Jim Rohn on the difference between discipline and regret:

“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, but regret weighs tons. Every day, you are choosing which one you will carry.”


Factfulness by Hans Rosling

A well-researched and easily digestible book showing how in virtually every metric people's understanding of the world is A) inaccurate and B) the world is objectively the most safe, prosperous, and best it has ever been.

There really is no better time to be alive in human history, and that is true almost no matter where in the world you live. And this book has the facts to prove it.

While I highly recommend this book, I do want to point out that the author's view on abortion is diametrically opposed to mine.

This book will be enjoyed by those who want to learn more about the world and lower their anxiety about how bad and unsafe the world is today (hint: there has never been a better time to have kids!).



⏱️ Stop trying to find yourself


⏱️ How to keep things easy