⏱️ The Best Minute: Something better than rules


Wisdom is greater than rules.

We face many situations in life where both options may be “right” or both options may be difficult. Sometimes things are black and white. But many other times there is a lot of grey and the right choice isn’t clear.

Here’s a quick example I use with my kids.

Instead of calling certain words we don’t want them to use “bad words,” my wife and I explain them as unkind words. While it is true that some four-letter words are not appropriate to use towards others, there are many other words or phrases that aren’t so clear.

So instead of simply telling our kids what words are “bad” and should be avoided, we want to train them to think in terms of whether a certain word or phrase is helpful and kind.

Saying the F-word at someone is a “bad” word, but it is also unkind.

But what about saying “I don’t like you”? It might be objectively true! And there may be a scenario when that needs to be said, but there are also many times when it would be unkind and unnecessary to say it, even if it is true.

We want our kids to think in terms of wisdom because often the rules aren’t so clear. If they don’t know whether or not something is a “bad” word, it is much easier to consider whether saying or not saying it would be kind.

Rules are helpful, but incomplete in many situations. Wisdom is better.

Now let’s bring it all together.

If you focus on always trying to make the “right” decision, you’ll often be paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision. Instead, focus on what you think is the wiser decision. This will allow you to make more decisions faster without the fear of trying to always figure out what is “right.”


I. Dan Meyer on how to solve problems in the real world:

“What problem have you solved, ever, that was worth solving where you knew all the given information in advance? No problem worth solving is like that. In the real world, you have a surplus of information and you have to filter it, or you don’t have sufficient information and you have to go find some.”


Breaking Free From Broke by George Kamel

A great read on a basic roadmap to financial freedom. I like to read financial books from time to time just to see if there is a new nugget or two I didn't know or hadn't considered. 

There wasn't much that was new in this book for me, but it was still a fun read and helpful in explaining how certain insurance, mortgages, and financing options work.

If you are struggling financially for feel like you need a roadmap to help you come up with a better plan, I would highly recommend this book. It is easy to read and understand, and hopeful as well.

If, like me, you have a plan you are comfortable with but still like to learn more, it is still a good read. My ratings are primarily influenced by how enjoyable a book was for me to read, and this one was great.



What is wasting more of my time by putting it off than by dealing with it?

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⏱️ The Best Minute: It doesn’t matter what THEY think


⏱️ The Best Minute: Don’t believe the lie