5 Misconceptions People Have About Pastors


1) Pastors have a more direct access to God

The assumption is that God listens to pastors more, so if a pastor prays for or asks God for something on behalf of someone else, it is more likely to happen than if that person asked God for it. But that's not true.It is true that "the prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect" (James 5:16), but being a pastor doesn't automatically make someone more "righteous." Jesus conquered death so that all who trust in him have the same direct access. You don't have to be a pastor to be someone who loves and honors God.

2) Pastors get easily offended

Want to know what happens almost every single time someone finds out I'm a pastor? They apologize for any curse words they might have said around me. I always want to say, don't apologize to me, apologize to God if you think you shouldn't have said or done something around me!There is nothing you could say or do that would offend me any more than the next person. In fact, I would argue pastors get offended even less than most people since we understand the brokenness of human nature.

3) Pastors don't struggle with sin as much as "normal" people

It can be easy to assume that pastors have somehow "made it" spiritually, and are less tempted by sin than everyone else. But at the end of the day, we are no different than anyone else. In fact, it is when pastors begin to feel that they don't need the same amount of help, accountability, and grace as everyone else that they really get into trouble.My wife will tell you, there is nothing special about me! Pastors are no greater than anyone else and have the same struggles as everyone else.

4) Pastors don't have questions and doubts

I have a lot of questions about the Bible, why God allows or does certain things, etc. There are times when I doubt God's goodness or his love. Not because I don't "know" in my mind that he is good, but because I am human and I get frustrated when things don't go my way or when bad things happen.I have just as many questions for God as the next guy, and I look forward to the day when I meet Jesus and everything makes sense in a way that we can't comprehend or understand here on earth.

5) Pastors have it all together

It's easy to assume that since they (supposedly) know a lot about God and how he desires us to live, then that means they are perfect husbands, fathers, leaders, time managers, etc. Well, we aren't. As we all know, even when we "know" something, it doesn't always mean we do it. Add in misconception #3 that I shared above, and you have people who don't always get it right.In the end, we all need the grace and mercy of Jesus, regardless of age, profession, and life stage.Oh, and one more thing, pastors don't have to be the ones to always pray before a meal. I promise God likes to hear just as much from you as he does from them!


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