Big News For New City Church

As those that are a part of New City know, for most of this year we have been praying and looking for a new space for New City. God has been doing some really great things through our church, and we have really hit a cap on what we can do due to the size of our facility.

Until now.

Recently, we were approached by our friends at the Point Church, a multi-site church in our area. Knowing we have been looking for a new space, they let us know that their North Raleigh location, located at 6904 Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh, is becoming available as they are moving out soon.

This is significant news for us. Other than this location, we have had no leads at all on any space all year. Because we want to stay in the area we are in and given the cost of space in our area, there has been nothing close to a possibility.

Until now.

As exciting as this potential possibility is, we are asking for prayer and provision in three ways.

First, that God would make clear to us this is what he has for us to do. If you call New City home, we also want your feedback.

Second, if we do want to move forward, we are currently looking at the need to raise $75,000 to make this happen. This cost includes three things:

1. The increase in rent we will owe over the first 12 months compared to what we pay in our current space. This will give us time to grow into our new facility.

2. The cost for some more equipment we would need to buy for this facility-Due to having to give a six month notice to end our current lease, we are planning for a few months of having to pay rent in two spaces (but are also praying that we might find a new tenant before our six months is up that would allow us to get out of our lease early and also save us money).

3. For God's timing. There are a lot of moving parts in things like this, so in addition to the desire and funding to make it happen, we also need everything to work out between us and the Point in a way that works for both churches.

After looking and praying all year that God might provide for a new space, it seems good to us that God has been working behind the scenes all along.

Join us this Tuesday, October 22, at 7 PM at the new location

One last thing. This Tuesday, October 22, at 7 PM we are meeting at the new location to show everyone around and take some time to pray. Everyone is welcome to attend.

If New City is your church, please consider joining us this Tuesday at 6904 Glenwood Avenue as we share some more details and pray for God to move.

If you have any questions, please let us know. We are grateful for everyone one of you as we seek to help people meet Jesus and grow in a relationship with him.


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