5 Reasons You Shouldn't Join New City Church


Last week I shared our hope for New City in 2019. And while we want to reach more people with the love of Jesus, that desire leads into the main goal of helping more people meet Jesus and grow in a relationship with him.

In order for us to grow closer to Christ we have to be intentional; like most things worth pursuing in life, no one grows closer to Jesus on accident. That being said, at our partnership class at New City Church (what we call membership) we actually end by sharing five reasons why you shouldn't join New City Church. Because at the end of the day we don't want more people to say we have more people, we want more people seeing and experience Jesus. Here are five reasons why you shouldn't join New City Church.

1) If you aren’t comfortable with change for the sake of mission

The way things are done now will not always be the way things will be done. Some of the programs or events we do know will not always be the same programs or events in the future. Our mission is to help people meet Jesus and grow in a relationship with him. Which means as we continue to evaluate what we do, if some things need to be changed, altered, or no longer be done because they are no longer effective, we will change them.

This doesn't mean they weren't once effective, but the mission is what is important, not our method of getting it done. If you want things to be done the way they have always been done, New City may not be for you.

2) If you aren’t looking for a place to invest in

We aren't looking for people to sit around. We want to play our part in helping people meet Jesus because he is the only way for us to experience true life. If you aren't sure about Jesus, by all means, come and check us out as long as you want. But if you are a follower of Christ we need you in the game. We aren't looking to inflate our numbers with idle believers.

3) If you are looking for a church that will check all your boxes

There is no perfect church and the church doesn't exist to serve Christians, Christians are to serve and love the church so that it's mission can go forth. New City is not looking for people that want to be accommodated, we need people who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus and help other people see his goodness. If you're a follower of Jesus and want a church that will meet all of your needs, New City isn't it.

4) If you are looking for a community that will never let you down

All of us are broken people who make mistakes. Because there are no perfect people, that means there is no church, community, or person who will never let you down in some way.

Instead of trying to pretend like we have it all together, we want to be a grace-filled church. All of us at some point will hurt or let down someone at our church, what is important is how we forgive and love one another. As the saying goes, if you are looking for a perfect church and one find one, don't join it. You'll mess it up.

5) If you are looking for the perfect pastor

Perhaps this one is the most obvious, but you will not find the perfect pastor at New City Church. I can promise that I will always try my best to be faithful, make the best decisions I can for the good of New City, and to always support Duke Basketball :), but I will not always get it right.

I can also promise you that if you stick around long enough I will probably say or do something you do not like because I need the grace and mercy of Jesus as much as anyone else. If you are looking for a pastor or has it all together (or pretends that they do), you won't find that at New City Church.


4 Reasons I'm Not Worried About The State Of The Church In America


Just One: Our Hope For New City Church