⏱️ It won’t be as bad as you think


If you’re anxious about something you have to do or have the opportunity to do, remember this: the anticipation is typically worse than the action.

Doing the thing isn’t as bad as thinking about the thing.

  • Afraid of roller coasters? Waiting in line is worse than riding one (and once you ride one, you’ll be more inclined to try another one)

  • The thought of public speaking is significantly recedes once you start your talk

  • Many athletes talk about how the nerves fade away once the game actually starts

The moral of the story? Doing the action won’t be as bad as you think, and you may very well enjoy it. It’s unlikely to be any worse than it feels right now.

Do the thing.


Julie Gurner on the power of asking the right questions:

“The questions you ask yourself will largely determine the answers you get.

  • “Why am I not successful?” You’ll get answers that berate you.

  • “How can I succeed here?” You’ll get answers that push you.

Be deliberate in the questions you ask yourself.”


Outlive by Peter Attia

A book about how to not just increase your lifespan (how long you live) but also your healthspan (your quality of life).

It is not true that your later years have to be miserable from a physical/health perspective. There are things we can do to ensure our health remains strong in our later years and to be proactive against the diseases that haunt modern society (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and neurological diseases - like Alzheimer's).

Many of our health issues are diagnosed or discovered much too late. To avoid them, and to improve our healthspan, we need to be proactive about them much sooner (i.e. today).

While I enjoyed the book, it was a long read. Sometimes it was difficult to track without a medical background, and other times there was some interesting information that didn't feel relevant to the book's topic.

Also, it did feel a little overwhelming in terms of all the things the author encourages the readers to do.

Overall, I am glad to have read it, even with the length (nothing wrong with a longer book, but it just felt long at times as well). Good information, even if there was a lot of it.



LED Video Light Kit

This is what I use for filming social media videos as well as The Dylan Dodson Show. I don’t use the phone mount on it so I can set the light at a 45-degree angle to me and not directly in front of me, but this small and compact light does the trick and is very cost-effective.

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter/X and Instagram.


⏱️ The best question you can ask


⏱️ How to get things done