⛪️ Practical Church: Why your church needs a 501c3
Make sure your church has its own 501c3. While many denominations or even networks (in the United States) allow their churches to be under their 501c3 umbrella, it’s best for your church to still obtain its own. After all, what if you one day decide to leave the denomination?
While it is true that monetary donations are still tax-deductible for churches even without a 501c3, it still lends credibility to have your own. And because you don’t know what the future holds, if you one day decide to leave your denomination or network and use their 501c3 status, it will be a lot more work to transition everything under a new one.
In the early days of New City, I had multiple people ask if we had our own 501c3 status. Again, churches don’t need one to function in the US, but it was always reassuring to those who asked that I could say “yes.”
Also, there are various non-profit discounts (Google Workspace, Canva, and so much more), but they almost always require your 501c3 status to obtain them. Yes, it costs money and some time to set it up, but I highly recommend all churches have their on 501c3.
I. Andy Stanley on good leadership:
“Don’t strive to be a well-rounded leader. Instead, discover your zone and stay there. Then delegate everything else. Admitting a weakness is a sign of strength. Acknowledging weakness doesn’t make a leader less effective.
Everybody in your organization benefits when you delegate responsibilities that fall outside your core competency. Thoughtful delegation will allow someone else in your organization to shine. Your weakness is someone’s opportunity.”
II. Albert Tate on the type of people we typically withhold compassion from:
“We often withhold compassion from those who don’t share our convictions.”
I share 4 ways to create your ideal workweek, why you should celebrate other churches, and how to continue to improve. To submit a question for a future podcast episode, click here.
Upjoke.com is a helpful place to find funny or light-hearted stories and illustrations for sermons. I personally keep a note file on my computer of sermon illustrations, and will often take them from places like Upjoke when trying to find an illustration for a sermon I am working on.
Give yourself an artificial deadline (that isn’t Saturday night) for when your sermon must be completed. A sermon that is completed on Thursday morning (my personal deadline) is no less holy than one completed 30 minutes before you have to deliver it. In fact, I would argue the latter actually might actually be less holy if you a cramming just to complete it :).
Plus, finishing it before Saturday gives you the ability to better spend time with your family. Set an artificial deadline to finish your sermon and trust the Lord with the rest.
P.S. Why didn't anyone want to fight Goliath?
It seemed like a giant ordeal.