#23 Matt Orley - What it’s like being a live illustrator, drawing things he knows nothing about, and how to listen well
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Brady Shearer is the founder of Pro Church Tools.
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In this conversation, live illustrator Matt Orley shares insights into his unique profession of capturing events in real time through drawing. He discusses his process, challenges, and audience engagement. Matt reflects on his transition from electrical engineering to illustration, and how he trained himself to listen while he draws.
00:00 Introduction to Live Illustration
03:01 The Process of Live Illustration
05:53 The Journey to Becoming a Live Illustrator
08:23 Real-Time Drawing Techniques
11:32 Challenges and Mistakes in Live Illustration
14:42 Client Interactions and Misconceptions
17:38 The Importance of Continuous Learning
25:05 From Engineering to Art: The Journey Begins
29:22 The Impact of Drawing on Memory and Learning
32:49 Adapting to Change: The Pandemic's Influence on Work
34:41 Navigating Virtual and In-Person Events
37:01 Marketing Strategies: Expanding Big Paper Strategy
38:25 Finding Value in Work: Dream Clients and Impact
40:19 The Art of Listening: Skills Beyond Drawing
41:45 Explaining the Craft: Sharing the Passion
43:51 Tools of the Trade: Choosing the Right Equipment
45:23 Future Aspirations: Balancing Work and Family
46:38 Pricing Strategies: Finding the Right Balance
48:41 AI and the Future of Drawing: Embracing Technology
50:36 Fighting Human Trafficking: A Personal Mission