⏱️ You should bend


I. "Bend but don’t break."

This phrase is often quoted in athletics, leadership, and any area where you may face adversity. It is meant to encourage (it’s okay if things get hard) and inspire resolve (but don’t give up).

The problem? While helpful, this phrase is incomplete. It’s typically stated after adversity hits—but by then, it’s often too late.

Here’s a better version: "If you do not bend, you will break."

Prepare to adapt. Prepare for difficulty. Prepare for pushback. Expect it.

And when it happens, adapt. Make the right changes. Learn from it. Accept the hardship.

If you don’t—if you resist too hard—you will break.

An inflexible stick snaps with little resistance. A flexible stick, on the other hand, can be nearly impossible to break with human hands alone.

If you do not bend, you will break.


II. The biggest reason people fail to hit their goals is that they didn’t actually set a goal they wanted to hit.


I. Octavius Winslow on God’s desire to save you:

"So completely was Jesus bent upon saving sinners by the sacrifice of Himself, He created the tree upon which He was to die, and nurtured from infancy the men who were to nail Him to the accursed wood."

II. David Starr Jordan on where people get stuck:

"Wisdom is knowing what to do next. Virtue is doing it. The gap between knowledge and action is where most people stay stuck."


The Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway

A book about wealth/money management, but different than most money books I have read.

The first half of the book was more about principles for life (both money and otherwise). The second half of the book was specifically about money, how capitalism works, and how to build wealth in our current financial system.

It was both a lesson in personal wealth building and how various investments and financial systems work (which lost me at times).

It was a good book overall, though confusing at times, and would be a great read for someone in their 20s in particular.



⏱️ You get your standard


⏱️ Your idea isn’t your identity