⏱ The Best Minute: Achievement > avoidance


It is much better to focus on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid. It’s fun to run toward something rather than run away. What sounds more motivating?

  • Avoiding certain foods

  • Restricting your time on social media

  • Not staying up so late


  • Getting in better shape to play with your kids on the floor

  • Spending more focused time building a skill

  • Being fully rested every morning

It is better to focus on making progress, not avoidance. Yes, progress often includes avoidance, but avoidance isn’t the goal; a better future is.

If you want to have more energy to play with your kids in the evening, that may mean eating less sugar. If you want to spend more time on things that matter (i.e. reading or doing things that bring you joy instead of anxiety), that may mean restricting how much time you allow for social media each day. But in both of these scenarios, there is a clearly defined reason for your behavior change.

It isn’t just because you know it will make you feel better, it’s because it will allow you to experience something you aren’t currently experiencing.

The first step is to define what you want, and then change what you do. It will always feel impossible to create a new long-term habit just for the sake of a change. Decide what you want to achieve, and let that dictate what you want to change to make it happen.


I. Carl Jung on the value of knowing who you are:

“The world will ask you who you are, and if you don’t know, the world will tell you.”


II. Donald Hall on the importance of ambition (in poetry, but also great for anything in life):

“I see no reason to spend your life writing poems unless your goal is to write great poems. An ambitious project—but sensible, I think. … If our goal is to write poetry, the only way we are likely to be any good is to try to be as great as the best.”


Solo Stove outdoor firepit.

With the cooler fall weather in the air, I recommend the Solo Stove outdoor fire pit (particularly the Bonfire 2.0). It’s a smokeless outdoor firepit that is easy to use and move when you are done. This is a big plus if you don’t want a permanent fire pit in your yard. It can also be used on a wooden deck. We have had one for over a year now and use it regularly. If you are looking for an outdoor fire pit, the purchase has been totally with it for my family.


Kentucky has the largest known cave system in the world.

Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave spans nearly 400 miles in length — and has not been fully explored. Scientists believe 200 more miles can still be discovered, which makes the cave system the largest in the world.

Source: Facts


The better question is not, “Will I succeed?” but rather, “What should I attempt?”

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter and Instagram.


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