⏱ The Best Minute: Never make exceptions, helping those suffering, and the best advice


Here’s why you should never make exceptions.

When starting a new habit or practice, “one-time” exceptions are extremely tempting.

  • One doughnut won’t hurt, especially if you used to eat them all the time

  • Skipping one workout isn’t a big deal, especially if you never used to exercise to begin with

  • Going over your daily allotment of social media time is fine, especially if you used to spend hours on it a day

The problem is that once you do something even one time, it is hard not to do it again. It is much easier to never do something at all than it is to engage in it and then tell yourself you’ll try not to do it again. You are much more resistant to breaking your commitment the first time than you are the second, third, or fourth. Once you’ve given in once, you’ll give in again.

With this in mind, it is helpful to plan your “exceptions” ahead of time. This way, they are actually part of the plan and aren’t an exception. For example:

  • If you plan to allow for one day a week to eat a doughnut, it’s a plan and not an exception when you do so

  • If you plan to build in rest days in your workout routine, it’s a plan and not an exception when you rest

  • If you plan to be more lax on social media use when your favorite team is playing, it’s a plan and not an exception when you spend more time on it

Planning your “exceptions” gives you the ability to still stick to your plan, because it means your plan is still being followed. You have pre-determined when it is ok to deviate, and is long as you only do so in those pre-determined times, you’re still following the plan.

Therefore, when it comes to any goal or habit you wish to develop, go ahead and pre-plan your “breaks.” Otherwise, that one-time exception will ruin your new desired habit before your habit has a chance to stick.


I. Thich Nhat Hanh on how to support those who are suffering:

“Even before you do anything to help, your wholehearted presence already brings some relief, because when we suffer, we have great need for presence of the person we love. If we are suffering and the person we love ignores us, we suffer more.

So what you can do—right away—is to manifest your true presence to your beloved and say the mantra with all your mindfulness: ‘Dear one, I know you are suffering. That is why I am here for you.’ And already your loved one will feel better.”


II. Josh Wolfe on the best advice he ever received:

“The best, most useful advice I ever got was from Jim Watson, [the scientist who discovered DNA], over tea at his New York apartment.

3 words, 2 meanings: Avoid boring people.”


Citi Double Cash Reward Card

I’m not a financial expert, but this is the credit card I have used for years and I have found it to be recommended by many financial leaders I have learned from. With the Citi Double Cash Card, you get 2% back on all purchases with no annual fee. You therefore don’t need to worry about using certain cards on certain purchases in order to get the highest reward percentage on that particular item. With Citi Double Cash, you get simplicity with a good reward on every use.


Dogs sniff good smells with their left nostril.

Dogs normally start sniffing with their right nostril, then keep it there if the smell could signal danger, but they’ll shift to the left side for something pleasant, like food or a mating partner

Source: RD


Does this activity fill me with energy or drain me of energy?

P.S. Phew.

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter and Instagram.


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